By suggestion of a friend of a friend who has also converted a bus to run on WVO(waste vegetable oil)
we used a guy up North from Miami to do our conversion. He was super nice and we explained that we had little money and he gave us a price and we thought it fair.
We took the bus to him and gave him half of the money and after he was finished gave him the rest of what was owed. We were so excited about the tank and running on WVO.
But, of course there has to be a "but":
the tank was suppose to be 100 gallons, when we filled it up it only took 70-71 gallons of oil.
The tank was suppose to be flush to the window and designed to be like a sofa or bench, as to keep the oil warm and function as a piece of furniture, but it looks as though it was installed upside down and the bottom comes out too far and the top does not reach to the top. Very awkward.
Also, he cut the heater line, used "used" parts that we were billed for as new, over piped everything and every WVO person we meet who looks at our system says "wait, why did they do that."
Worst of all: The mechanic who did the install, this super nice Lebanese guy with the sweetest little children calls us up cussing and swearing that he over spent and we should pay him with no receipts or anything in writing.
It stressed us out for a little, but realized that we had more important problems to attend.

Here is the tank.
total cost with installation and lots of BS: $4,500.00
twice as much as the bus cost.