For four years we have lived on a self built and retrofitted, mobile demonstration of sustainability. A former mountain transit bus transformed into a live/work space powered with waste vegetable oil, solar energy, composting, rainwater harvesting and space to implement an artistic practice, a homeschooling curriculum, and to rest and nourish tired bodies. This is a slow protest, realistic demonstration of off grid living and is aimed to be a catalyst to inspire social change.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
San Francisco
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, October 7, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Fw: Untitled Note
From Evernote: |
Untitled Note |
Stopped at salt lake for injectors, doing laundry for cloth diapering and ec. Babies sleeping, spivey tacos, drank coke, feeling asleep and a little cabin fever, like the shining, lost faith in art, has reverted to craft or commodity but both are slaves to money and etc... Think I'll nurture my writing.

Leaving Utah
Untitled Note |
Stopped at salt lake for injectors, doing laundry for cloth diapering and ec. Babies sleeping, spicy tacos, drank coke, feeling asleep and a little cabin fever, like the shining, lost faith in art, has reverted to craft or commodity but both are slaves to money and etc... Think I'll nurture my writing.

Monday, September 26, 2011
We parked at Old Faithful and spent the night in the parking lot. We woke in the morning, had breakfast and headed towards the famous geyser to watch it boil and spout water. I can't really say that it is something everyone should see, but Yellowstone Canyon is something amazing and its falls, something everyone should experience.
Day two Yellowstone: is it simply that we have over populated and killed every co-habitant that when we actually see an animal we all form a traffic jam, we pull out our cameras, video cameras,cell phones, and drop our jaws and become paralyzed with awe.
We saw a male elk and female elk grazing and you would have thought that people were witnessing the resurrection.