Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Staying Busy

Warehouse in January

New Year

Back in Miami

Art Basel Week

Miami Images

Miami Images

Back in Miami Images

Back in Miami

In the behind I considered that the return to Miami might be anti-climatic, and in ways it was, but in other ways it was like a fresh perspective on a spouse or close relative. Someone you depend on for some aspect of your life, but sometimes feel like you desperately want to liberate your self from.

We are parked in the warehouse space I originally lived and worked out of when I moved to Miami and before I knew Nando. This is the place of Lucianos conception, the birth place of Gorda, the first home of Mona and the central social cause of Nando and I meeting. So it seemed right to return to this space.

Luciano has been going the Waldorf inspired homeschooling co-op on the Farm, also known as Earth N Us. He has enjoyed it and I spend the days there watching the strange world of childhood in a new age. The idea of over-thinking parenting and adult interactions. How to filter the world or not filter, how to resolve conflict, how to explain emotion, the hows and why's of adult and child life. At times I question what reality we construct for our children, because by every choice we make, we are constructing life for their eyes, we try to show truth, but it is simply constructions of.

Otherwise, production is starting it's season and again we birth ideas and projects for the future.