Saturday, September 3, 2011

Exit Florida and Twin Bridges Herb Farm

Before we left Macclenny we visited Twin Bridges Herb Farm. It is located acrioss the street from the very place I grew up and remains the part time home of my grand parents. We use to walk across the street and down the road to what we would call Mr. Helm's store, we would buy Cracker Jax and Coke in glass bottles. But now it is called locally the "White Store", and my little cousins spend there chore money buying Dr. Peppers and spicy Cheetos.

Then after a few years visiting off and on, Twin Bridges Herb Farm popped up right next to the store. It is owned by Scott and Denise Francis. Scott gave us a tour of the farm, which they grow much more then herbs. They have heirloom vegetables, egg laying chickens, hand made soaps and are suppliers to some of the best restaurants in Jacksonville and also sell to the public at Neptune Beach market. They also run their delivery van, a Sprinter, on bio-diesel.

Luciano enjoyed seeing the chickens and Mona enjoyed meeting Midnight, Denise and Scott's dog. They sent us on our way with a basil plant, a variety of eggplants and peppers and also some homemade soap made of the glycerin leftovers from Scott's bio-diesel process.

Check out their web site:

Denise, Luciano, Nando Me, Imogen and Scott on the Twin Bridges Herb Farm.

The Hen House

Some of the peppers, chiles and eggplants

Beautiful and delicious eggplants.
Luciano in the hydroponic herb house

Luciano, Mona, Midnight and free range chickens.

With some new friends, good vegetables and some re-established family ties.
Luciano got to really meet his cousins, swim, play outside and really develop his palette for travel, adventure and new things.

The bus parked under the old barn.

James at Gear and Wheel Macclenny working on our bus.

Gorda just having enough of the heat.

Luciano and Eric

Sleeping under the stars in the early evening.

The engine

Pumps and lines

Mona's afternoon nap

The grape barb, Muscadine and a grandfather Florida Oak tree with Spanish Moss in my grandparents field.

A pond behind the the grandfather oak tree.

Mona exiting the lake.

Suburban exercise.

Driving in a car, Western style.

The bus at night.

Luciano's new play area.

Morning view.

The Joker.

The Stars.

Florida Pine.

Baby's view.

The Writer.

Our new filtration system.

Imogen in peace.

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